
Is your dog missing? Help us reunit you with your best friend. Purchase your dog's license.


All dogs must be kept on the owners property, if a dog is off the property it must be on a leash.



All dogs, over three (3) months old, living within Roberts City limits are required by law to have a current license. Failure to have a current license is a misdemanor. 

Licenses can be purchased at City Hall. Annual fees fo the City of Roberts:

Unsterilized $20.00
Sterilized $10.00
Licenses expire on December 31 each year after the license is issued.

impound & boarding

If your animal is at large and impounded but is wearing a city license, the city notify you as soon as possible.

If your animal is at large and impounded and does not have a license or is not wearing a city license the city will advertise the animal on social media, its website and on the city hall bulletin board. 

Impound fee $20.00
Boarding fee $20.00 per day (new day starts at 3:00pm)